InsPal FPS Function
InsPal now supports FPS payment. Your QR code will be displayed in InsPal debit note print out. The customer only needs to scan QR code to complete the payment, which…
How D-Biz Helps You Get Over COVID-19
How D-Biz Helps You Get Over COVID-19 The third wave of the new COVID-19 epidemic in Hong Kong has gradually passed, the economy contracted by 9% year-on-year in the second…
InsPal Helps You Win the Pandemic
InsPal Helps You Win the Pandemic Under the COVID-19, the economy of Hong Kong has been hit hard, and all walks of life are facing difficulties. However, the people of…
使用InsPal來避免疫情 臨近過年,大陸武漢新型冠狀病毒肺炎爆發,而且已經傳入香港,人心惶惶。 經過專家分析,此階段還沒到疫情高峰期,因為春節大陸南北交錯的人流量,將會大大提高疫情的擴展。 香港是一個人口高度密集的地方,疫情傳入,如果不加以控制很快就會散播開來。減少外出是最能保障自己的辦法,但工作也不能因此耽誤。 此時此刻InsPal的雲端技術就能幫到你在家工作,減少外出,保障自己安全之餘,亦能安心工作兩不誤。 如果擔心軟件賬號安全問題,InsPal可以設置指定IP使用。簡單理解,你可以將公司和家的IP設置為指定IP,而你的賬號就只能在這兩者地方使用了。 InsPal 祝願大家 身體健康! 鼠年進步!
InsPal 10 Anniversary
崢嶸十載,感謝有您。 不經歷風雨怎能見彩虹,回顧過去的十年,InsPal 成立至今,對於大家來說都是難忘的。我們一直秉承著做全港乃至全球最好的保險軟件,公司上下員工每天默默付出,一起笑一起哭,在無休止的困難中找尋答案,盡力為每一個客戶解決一切業務煩惱。 ———————————————————————————————————— 一路以來,感謝每位客戶的鼎力支持,無你們就無今天的InsPal。你們的包容和激勵,每一次都能助長InsPal更上一層。希望在接下來的第二個10年,繼續與您一起,精精日上。
Product Training 2019-12-19
Product Training GI, Proposal, LF and Advance Accounting In this course, we will teach you how to use the set up InsPal for the first-time usage, and how to use…
Product Training 2019-06-12
Product Training GI, Proposal, LF and Advance Accounting In this course, we will teach you how to use the set up InsPal for the first-time usage, and how to use…
Journal Voucher Import Function
Journal voucher entry you can use the import button to batch enter voucher data in Excel format. If you want to know the excel input format, please contact the customer…