How D-Biz Helps You Get Over COVID-19

The third wave of the new COVID-19 epidemic in Hong Kong has gradually passed, the economy contracted by 9% year-on-year in the second quarter, and the wave of closing down in many industries is on the verge of breaking out. However, Hong Kong people have always been hard-working, courageous and flexible. Even if there is darkness, the dawn will come. Well, a certain degree of earthquake may be inevitable, but you never know who runs out in the next game? Chance and victory have always been for those who are prepared.
HK Government’s D-Biz Grant Helps You to Turn Around Beautifuly
In response to the outbreak happened at the beginning of the year, the Government launched the Distance Business (D-Biz) programme in May this year. As the name suggests, the program is designed to help businesses to transform their business online. The first round of online briefings held by InsPal was also enthusiastically enrolled, and also helped many new and old customers apply for the funding.
Now, D-Biz has increased from HK$500 million to 1.5 billion, and the application for subsidies has increased from 6 months to 1 year. On the other hand, the application window for D-Biz will be closed by the end of October, so it is the last opportunity to take action now.

InsPal Acts Positively During the Epidermic
The epidemic is fierce, and thus the importance of insurance is obvious. Who is the candle in the wind? Who can stand the final challenge? It is at this time to see the real ability of fellow insurance intermediaries! InsPal has accumulated many years of industry experience, best design, convenient and easy to use, to help you turn crisis into opportunity.
Just imagine from your customer’s standpoint, how can an insurance intermediary who knows how to use cloud technology to provide services to them anytime and anywhere not be satisfied with customers?
Just think in the position of the insurance regulator, how can a company that has a bullet-proved plan not welcomed by the regulator?
Just imagine in the position of employees, no need to come back to the office building to reduce risk. Will they be happy?
InsPal has a large number of insurance intermediary clients. Our forward-looking cloud technology has helped customers stay ahead of the storm during the pandemic, and our uninterrupted support has been given to our customers with our hearts.

Turn Around Nicely with D-Biz
When you have made a plan, you must act, and you must go forward with experienced partners like InsPal. As a member of the D-Biz Service Provider Reference List, InsPal will hold a second round of online briefings on September 8 at 4 p.m. In addition to focusing on D-Biz, we will also explain the current government or other funding schemes that are useful to you, so please reserve time and pay attention to the details. You are also welcome to call (3897-9000) or email to for details.